“To create a better way of life for families by helping to strengthen family core values, gain access to education, and improve financial health.”
“To restore the power of family as the catalyst for successful generations.”


Our goal is to have a positive, productive, and powerful impact in the underserviced communities of Philadelphia, PA as an emerging leader is transforming lives through education.
We aim to treat others as we want to be treated. As consumers invests their trust and time in our organization, we in return will invest our time, wisdom, and efforts in helping them successfully connect, engage, and accomplish their core goals.
We are specifically focused on individuals with high school education levels or less, welfare utilizers, parolees and people on probation, and entrepreneurs. We are here to help those who want to help themselves! We will assist in establishing the path from their present state to their end goal.
We discovered that illiteracy/low literacy is a major factor in negative outcomes faced in our communities. Illiteracy is a major common denominator for poverty, imprisonment, poor job/career outcomes, etc.
Illiteracy/low literacy rates increase risks of poverty, criminal activity, imprisonment:
• 2/3 of students who cannot read by 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare
• 85% of children in the juvenile delinquent system are illiterate
• 60% of all incarcerated adults are illiterate
Therefore, ensuring adult literacy is our heart’s passion. This is a foundational element that helps set the scales of success in our lives. Something as simple as being able to read and comprehend what is being read can completely transform an adult’s life. Filling out job applications, having a professional resume, being confident in job interviews, qualifying for a good position that will meet the financial needs of one’s family is all impaired if literacy is not present. Reading is truly fundamental!
Our purpose is to provide a strong foundation for people to build their lives upon. We are here to provide the tools necessary to succeed.